This is part of the Slice of Life Challenge hosted by the Two Writing Teachers
Just in case you have been disconnected from the Slice of Life Challenge, Twitter and haven't talked to a librarian in the last few weeks watch the video below.
If that disn't suck you in enough to think about reading the book, then check out a few of these fellow slicers/book reviewers to really get you clamoring for a copy.
Goodreads (for cryin' out loud the average rating is 4.56 out of 5. Harry Potter only got a 4.29, To Kill a Mockingbird has a 4.19 and the Great Gatsby eanred a paltry 3.71)
There is even a Twitter hashtag devoted to this book #wonderofwonder (I think @colbysharp or @mrschureads is responsible for this)
On top of all this gushi-ness, my wife read the book. And she "loved it and very highly recommends the book to children and adults."
So why haven't I jumped onto this bandwagon yet? I think it is because at this point I am bound to be a little disappointed. I most likely made a mistake a few weeks ago by not putting right on top of my too be read stack. The hype machine is now so overwhleming to me that unless it is the GOAT book, I will probably be like these guys.
And from what I can tell, I definitely don't want to feel like Wonder by RJ Palacio is overrated. I want to be able to savor the book. I want to be able to experience it on my own terms. I want to read it with clear eyes and a full heart.
So, I think I need to delay my gratification and wait until summer or maybe even next fall to read this book. Hopefully by then, some new book will be all the rage and I will be able to fully appreciate the wonder of Wonder.
As I said on Twitter, I was ready to come here to let you have it - how can you avoid this book? But, I understand. I almost didn't read The Fault In Our Stars because I had heard so much from everyone else about it. But, if you worry about it, wait. The beautiful book will obviously be there whenever you are ready for it. :)
Posted by: Katsok | 03/12/2012 at 10:27 PM
I don't think it can disappoint but I get it. I had that experience with I Want My Hat Back. It took me time to love it because my expectations were so high due to all the chatter.
Posted by: Dana Schreiner | 03/12/2012 at 10:41 PM
I understand those sentiments. And good for you! I jumped on the hype train... and I did adore the book. But I completely understand your points.
Posted by: Mselke01 | 03/13/2012 at 05:45 AM
I'm with you. I have stopped reading posts about Wonder and I haven't watched any of the videos. I will read it and when I do I will see what I think. (Then I might go back and read and watch.)
Posted by: | 03/13/2012 at 06:48 AM
I so understand what your feeling but then Jack's class was asked to do a book club with parents on it. I started reading with him and so glad to be reading it. I have to say I don't feel like the book trailer does much for it. Sold on the characters so far.
Posted by: | 03/13/2012 at 08:45 PM
Jumping on the WONDERwagon.....I blogged about. It as well:
Posted by: DavidAEtkin | 03/13/2012 at 10:52 PM