This is part of the Slice of Life Challenge hosted by the Two Writing Teachers
I got to school a little early this morning. It is the last day before spring break and I have some grading to do before I leave today. Not that I am going on a fab vacation or anything, I just don't want to be grading two tests tomorrow - the first official day of spring break.
We have been having some HVAC concerns lately and at 8:03 I am already a little sweaty. I am thinking since it already feels like a July roadtrip in a car with no AC, it might get a little sticky when 25 more bodies pile in around 9:20. The rest of this post will be written intermittently througout the day.
8:44 am: I am now sitting at the table by the window, which is wide open. I am about to head downstairs. As we all learned in elementary science classes, warm air rises, so I am hoping the downstairs will seem like walking into an industrial sized refrigerator. Ooooooh, that is a good idea, we have one of those in our kitchen.
11:33 am: We are taking a math assessment, yes I am the meanest teacher ever. A test on the last day of school before spring break. The class is holding on better than I am. No complaints yet, but that may be because either they are younger and stronger than me or the fact they are all wearing shorts. Oh how I wish I could be wearing shorts right now. I am a little on the sweaty side. I may have to go home at lunch and take a shower.
12:40: At 12:00 we all escaped, the class got to go to art, I ate lunch in the teacher's lounge where it felt like it was 20º cooler than our room. I just go back upstairs feeling a little refreshed. I need to get some things done in the next 40 minutes or so. When my kids get back in from recess, the heat index will rise immeasurably. I fully predict we will be wilting.
2:20: About an hour ago when the sweaty mess of 20 plus fourth graders came rolling in from recess I was sure we would never be able to cool off. Thankfully it seems better now. There is actually a faint breeze blowing through are window and we are relaxing by watching a movie. We never do this but the class worked really hard the last few weeks and about five of their classmates have already left for spring break. Besides, who really wants to do academic work on the last afternoon before a 9 day "weekend?"
4:00: We made it. Three of my class fell asleep during the movie and I feel like I may have lost a few pounds. Now I am on my way to meet some friends and watch some basketball. Hopefully the Buffalo Wild Wings has their AC on the turbo setting.
The only thing worse than having the copier go out is having the air conditioning go. It sounds as if you didn't fare as well as the students, but having passed by the test, they relaxed with a movie while you were still thinking how much cooler it was downstairs. Fun to hear bit by bit. Isn't it always interesting how change gets to us. I remember teaching without air-how did I do it? Guess we just did, at a much slower pace. Thanks for the memory that only happens once in a while now.
Posted by: LInda Baie | 03/16/2012 at 04:25 PM
Sorry, forgot to say Happy spring break!
Posted by: LInda Baie | 03/16/2012 at 04:26 PM
Oh, I feel for you! I teach in a double-wide, aluminum sided portable classroom in Central Florida and I know just how you feel. My AC has been intermittent all year. It puts the kids to sleep when it gets too hot. Hope they get kinks worked out before you all are back in school.
Posted by: Spillarke | 03/16/2012 at 04:58 PM
That is exactly how my room felt this morning when I arrived early, as well. Lucky you, that you have the option of opening a window. Wish I had that.
Anyway, hope you're enjoying the games and BW3s. I just watched Michigan get beat and it's not looking good for Duke...
Posted by: Karen Terlecky | 03/16/2012 at 09:30 PM
I like how you wrote this as the day went by. As a teacher myself I could relate. As usually everyone made it through and Spring break is here. Enjoy.
Posted by: | 03/17/2012 at 02:54 AM
These lines actually made me laugh out loud, "We made it. Three of my class fell asleep during the movie and I feel like I may have lost a few pounds." My room (built in 1894) truly struggles with the heat. It is either freezing or sweltering. I understand. :)
Posted by: Katsok | 03/17/2012 at 09:38 AM