This is part of the Slice of Life Challenge hosted by the Two Writing Teachers
I really don't know Sarah. I've have seen her when my family goes to Camp Akita because she has worked there as a counselor and assistant director. By all accounts Sarah seems to be an enthusiastic lover of life. My children, who also spend time with Sarah during Camp and other youth events at church would say, "She rocks!" or "She's awesome!" I am very glad they look up to Sarah. I learned a little more about her at church this morning. Impressive, she is.
This young woman who is now our High School Program Director spoke a little about our church's upcoming mission trip to Mexico.
Sarah shared:
- Her desire to work at the church started by serving homeless people meals when she was in high school. This service led her to join the mission trips to Mexico while she was also in high school. And after graduating from college she wanted to come back to inspire younger kids to do the same thing.
- The fact she feels closer to God when she is working for, talking with and sharing food with the people of our town and other places who are typically marginalized by our society.
- A reminder about the homes the group will be building. These simple wooden structures with a cement floor that have about 220 square feet of living space will be the nicest space the family who gets it will have ever owned.
- A simple, humble request for all of us in attendace to hold the 90 plus strong group of high schoolers and chaperones who are heading to Tecate, Mexico next weekend in our prayers.
Besides being graceful and articulate, Sarah caused me to become awestruck. I began to think things like, "Did I even have a clue when I was 25ish? Did I even know there was such a thing as abject poevery when I was a freshman in high school? And if I did, would I give up my spring break to build shack-like houses for the poor?" "Would I give up my spring break now to do that?"
Since I apparently am in the older half of our country's population, I am part of the group who should seriously hope that those younger than us become leaders soon. Our country needs more people like Sarah and her young friends that will be heading to Mexico. We need people to wake us up every once in a while. We need people to make us a little uncomfortable to inspire us to do more. We need people to lead by action, not just words.
I sincerely hope Sarah's family is incredibly proud of her. I know if one of my own children follows Sarah's path, I would be beaming.
I know I didn't know about poverty like that when I was in high school, much less college. Wow! And I am also saddened to learn I will shortly be in the older half of our country. Right now I'm 38.1 (almost). Woo hoo - I need to live it up for the next month, then I mature. :)
Posted by: Katsok | 03/12/2012 at 07:31 AM
Thank you for being willing to incorporate your faith into your well-written blog. It's good to see.
Posted by: DavidAEtkin | 03/13/2012 at 10:50 PM